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Storm Studios | News | What is Rebounding and why you should try it?
What is Rebounding and why you should try it?
By Storm Studios on 10 July 2021


What is it and Why You Should Try It?

Rebounding or trampolining as it is more commonly known, is a form of low-impact exercise that is performed on a ‘rebounder or mini-trampoline’. It has re-gained popularity recent years and offers the advantage of requiring no previous experience to perform – all you need is a healthy dose of enthusiasm because it won’t be long before you will feel like a child again.

It makes for the perfect at-home workout with the only investment being the rebounder itself. You are in full control of what you do, the pace at which you do it, and if you have no idea where to start, the internet is a click away for guided videos to assist you to achieve your specific goals. If you’re new to this form of exercise, it is advisable to start with shorter workouts and then to increase them as your fitness level increases. As little as 15-20 minutes a day, three times a week is all you need to keep healthy or to complement your existing workout routine.


The Incredible benefits of Rebounding

  • Assists with the detoxification process. Encourages anti-inflammatory effects in the body through lymph drainage, improves digestion and elimination.


  • Boost’s metabolism. It is more effective than lengthier cardio workouts and running. It is also gentler on the body than high-impact workouts. It also allows you to burn calories long after you have completed your workout routine.


  • It tightens, tones and firms the body: reduces cellulite and increases lean muscle mass.


  • It has a positive effect on eating habits: regulates your mood, reduces sugar and carb craving thereby deterring emotional eating.


  • Results in sustained energy throughout the day and increases your endurance.


  • Builds immunity by minimising the frequency and duration of colds and flu and boosts your ability to fight chronic and acute conditions.


  • Co-ordination, balance and physical perception of your own body movement improves.


  • It makes the heart stronger and has positive effect on heart health by allowing the heart rate to return to normal faster. It also lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.


  • The resting heart rate is greatly improved and the increased blood flow prevents blood pooling in the veins


  • It provides oxygenation to the entire body – the cells and tissues and organs;


  • It is a very effective way to lower your blood pressure.


  • By allowing you to relax, it improves your sleep quality which means you have a greater chance of rejuvenation and recovery during sleep.


And if these aren’t motivating enough, it has solid scientific support and is backed by a NASA study as well. So, cue your playlist and get that adrenaline pumping!

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